Sunday, February 10, 2013

New blog address

I have moved my blog to  Let me know if you like this layout and if you are able to comment easier on there. Thanks!!

Wonderful day with the family

February 9, 2013
Hospital bed rest day 11
26 weeks 6 days

When I started this blog I intended to use it to update things medically mainly and just touch on what we are going through emotionaly and our day to day. Seeing as things are going great medically and nothing has changed other than my blood preasure and my temp, and I dont see the need to update either of them on here it has turned into more of the emotional and day to day side of this journey so far. Don't get me wrong I am not complaining that everything medically is going good.

We were able to sleep better being in our new room!! We even slept in a little. Woke up to a light dusting of snow, it was the first time we saw the view from our new room in the daylight and it was beautiful!!! We are still able to see the pond through the trees. I am able to enjoy the view from bed now which I really enjoy.
I had not gotten to see the kids in 5 days. With school and them being sick they didnt make it up to visit all week. :-( So I was really happy to hear that would be coming up today to see us!! Wes
had to run home to give Alek a hair cut (He was looking REALLY shaggy), he also wanted to get cleaned up and wash our clothing, and pay rent so mom and the kids still had somewhere to live! So I had alittle time to myself yesterday. It always worries me when Wes is gone since my water could break at any point and he would miss the birth of our son, but I did pretty good not getting to worked up while he was gone this time. I was also looking forward to him coming back even more since he was picking up another tomatoe, ham, and fried onion pizza for me! :-)
Mom and the kids came up to visit for a few hours. It was so nice to see all of them. I can't believe how big all the kids are getting. A pair of pants I had bought Kyra not long before chirstmas are about an inch to short now. My babies are growing up. Mom and the kids left around 4 so she could drop Kloe at a friends house and take the other 3 to my sisters house for a sleepover. I am sure mom needs a night off. I can't imaging going from a nice relaxed retired life one day to having 4 kids the next.


Friday, February 8, 2013

Moving on up

February 8, 2013
Hospital bed rest day 10
26 weeks 5 days

Wes and I are having an ever increasingly difficult time sleeping here. The room that we are in has double glass doors and a curtain that doesn't reach the ceiling or the floor so there is always light coming into the room from the hall way. We are also at the end of the ward so we are next to the double electric doors that go into the PACU. There are always people coming and going through those doors all hours of the day. I have been getting put on the monitors around 6am also so there is no hope of getting sleep.

Wes and I were trying to do some online shopping for Silas today since there is still so much that we have not gotten for him yet and it doesn't look like we will be able to get out to the stores before he is born. I thought it was hard to find preemie clothing when we had Kyra 4 1/2 years ago, I am having even more trouble this time. The preemie clothing that I can find is so expensive. How can they charge more for less material?!?!
We went into the gift shop while on my ride today to get Kyra's "I'm a big sister shirt" since it was way cheaper in there than online. I think she will really like it! I am super excited about it!
This afternoon my patient care aide came in and she said she was told she was the one who could share some good news with Wes and I. She goes on to tell us that the lady down the hall was getting to go home...well I am really happy for her but are you trying to rub it in? She then tells us that they are trying very hard to be able to move us down to that room since it has a real door and less foot traffic. I am beyond excited!! I really hope we are able to sleep better tonight than the past few days.
There are 2 windows in our new room and they are A LOT bigger so I am able to see out of them from the bed. We also have a really awesome rocking swivel chair that is super comfortable. I was able to sit in it for dinner tonight! It really is the little things in life right now!!
Cant wait till tomorrow to hopefully see my kids again. It has been a LONG week! They have not been able to get up to visit since Sunday last week. :-(

I've got no strings...

February 7, 2013
Hospital bed rest day 9
26 weeks 4 days

To hold me down
To make me fret, or make me frown
I had strings
But now I'm free
There are no strings on me.

I woke up this morning to my nurse coming in to put that baby on the heart monitor. It always makes me smile to hear his heart beat even when he is being a booger and it takes the nurse coming in multiple times to put him back on the monitor since he is apparently swimming laps in there. After we were done the 30 minutes of hide and seek with Silas my Dr came in and said all the normal stuff we hear every day from the Dr.  I am not contracting unless I have a full bladder. I am still here for the long haul. She asked how I was holding up with being away from the kids and how the kids were doing with out Wes and I at home. After she left my nurse (one of my favorites) came in and told me that I could come off the continuous TOCO monitoring and only have 30 mins of baby and contraction monitoring every shift!! So I am still stuck in the hospital and in my room more often than not but now I can go on a wheel chair ride once a day, I am allowed to sit in the chair some, and now I am off continuous monitoring!!
Wes took me on another ride today. It is so nice to be able to get out of the room for a while.
Most people don't understand how hard hospitalized bed rest is unless they have been through it. It is very hard being away from your family and home for so long. It is also really hard not being in control of any aspect of your life. I am told when I can shower. For the first week I had to call the nurse anytime I needed to use the restroom. I have to ask if I am allowed to go one my one ride a day. It isn't fair to ask my kids to come see me often since we are about 20 mins from them and they have homework, reading, dinner, bathing, and snacks to get done in the 4 1/2 hrs between school and bed, so I have not gotten to see them in 5 days. I don't mean to complain but it is heart breaking to be laying in the hospital for so long and with so long still to go and have people make comments about how nice bed rest must be and how they would love to be able to lay around all day. Ya it sounds nice in theory. I will be the first to admit that I love lazy weekends where we can all sit around and watch movies and do "nothing". I understand alot of women have difficult pregnancies and have to sacrifice alot, and I know that I could be alot worse off right now too. I am very lucky to still be pregnant at 26 almost 27 weeks. I am so lucky to be pregnant with a very happy healthy baby boy. I am lucky to have the freedoms that I do have while being in the hospital. I am lucky that my mom is able to be down here with my kids so I know that they are well taken care of and able to be in their own home. I am luck that Wes is able to be with me most of the time. I am lucky that Wes loves and takes such good care of me, even on my down days! I am lucky to have such a wonderful support system for our whole family. It is just really hard to see the forrest through the trees.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

We are blessed

February 6, 2013
Hospital bed rest day 8
26 weeks 3 days

The day started off much like any other day here. I woke up to the nurse coming in to do my vitals then my Dr coming in to tell me the same stuff we have been hearing all week and to also scold me about the blood clot booties. The Dr the other day told me we have 3 options with the blood clot issue.
1- we do nothing and chance a clot
2- I wear the booties all the time
3- She gives me a shot of blood thinners everyday.
Now don't get me wrong I understand the risk of blood clot and know that being on bed rest it is a major problem. However at the same time I am drinking so much water to keep the contractions away that I have to get up every half hr to an hr anyway so I am sure I am moving my legs enough on my own that the booties aren't really gonna do much more for me. Not to mention I am not fond of the idea of daily blood thinners since they are worried about having to do a c-section.
So the Dr and I are talking about the options and she takes the do nothing and risk it option off the table so I am left with those awful booties and shots. So i assure her I will wear the booties some during the day... when I remember.
Wes had to leave which always makes me nervous that I will go into full blown labor while he is gone and he won't make it back before I have Silas. I understand he needed to go grocery shopping but there was  plenty of food at the house and they have lived all week without butter already what is another month or more...come on people sacrifices have to be made!! :-) The good news is he was able to do the shopping, a few things at home and even put gas in the car and he still made it back here in time for lunch. And I only had a few contractions while he was gone!!! Wes also brought the mail from the past few days back with him for me. I got a letter from my insurance company saying that they are approving my Dr's request for them to admit me to the hospital and stated that they feel it is medically necessary for me to be here until they decide that it is no longer approved at which time I will receive another letter from them stating that. UMM the insurance company gets to decide when I go home?!?!?! We also got a very sweet card and a large gift for Silas from my parents friends in Michigan Carolyn and Fred. We have only met a few times. They are REALLY sweet people and i am so happy my parents have them in their life. Carolyn is making sure my dad is taken care of since my mom is down here helping us. She also offered to travel down with my mom when she came. I can't believe how blessed Wes and I are to have so many wonderful people in our lives.
After lunch Wes took me for my daily wheel chair ride. We cant go far as this hospital is kinda small but it is still wonderful to get out of the room for a while!! There are a few out door spaces here that I cant wait to visit once it warms up but for now Wes parks me by a window or door so I can have a different view for a while. We had alot of fun sitting in the one hallway looking out at the courtyard and watching all the people around us.
Stacey came to visit us as well. She brought us another balloon...

She decorated our room for valentines day and brought us a basket of goodies.

Everything is super useful and will help us pass the time while in the hospital...except I am not sure what to do with the pregnancy test. I am pretty sure I already know how it will turn out if I take it. So I have a pregnancy test if anyone needs it! :-)
After Stacey left Wes and I were playing cards and I was trying to text a couple people and my phone was being super slow and wont load apps and just plain sucks. It has been this way since I did an android OS update back in October. I finally googled the problem to see if there is an easy fix. Everything we were finding said that a factory reset would fix it. Wow that is alot of work. I have over a hundred apps on the phone as well as a years worth of pictures that I have to back up now. So after a few hours of messing with it we were able to get the pics downloaded to the computer and the phone reset and a few of the apps downloaded again. However my phone still has the newer android OS on it and is still being retarded. :-(  I really don't want to have to buy a new phone but it is gonna happen one way or another. Weather I get one because this one is messing up or because I am super frustrated with this one and throw it and it shatters into a million pieces...ya that option sounds more gratifying!!
Silas' heart sounds great when we have him on the monitor, and my belly is getting HUGE so he must be getting big and strong! Cant wait to meet him but hope he stays put for at least another 4-6 weeks!
I am only hooked to one cord (unless i actually have those booties on) compared to the 7 I was hooked to when I first got admitted!
Another day down!!!

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

small taste of freedom

Hospital bed rest days 3-7
25wks 5 days- 26wks 2days.

So I was planning on making a post for every day but for some reason even though I am just laying around ALL the time I still cant seem to find time to catch up. So I will sum thing up in one post.

 On Friday  I was taken off the Mag finally. The Dr wanted to give me a few hours after stopping the mag before we started on the oral meds to stop contractions. Well here i lay 5 & 1/2 days later and I am still not on meds to stop contractions. :-) I have still been having contractions but when they start to get regular and more intense we are still able to stop them without meds.

On Saturday my mom and the kids came to visit which was GREAT!! I miss the kids sooooooooooo much. I am so thankful my mom was able to come help us through all of this.

26 WEEKS!!!!!On Sunday  Mom and kids came to visit and watch the Superbowl with us. They even brought snacks and drinks so we could have a party!! Who would have thought that we would have a Superbowl party in the hospital! I love my family.

On Monday we had lots of visitors! Heather and Alexis came as well as my sister and her family. Stacey brought us a potted rose plant and a "happy valentines Day" balloon. She apologized for the balloon not being specific to our situation. I am pretty sure they don't make a balloon for "keep your legs crossed" or "don't pop your kid out yet". Wes put the flowers in the window for me! They make me smile everytime i look over at them.
Stacey and family also brought sparkling cider and glasses to celebrate keeping the baby in longer. Of course Stacey being so camera happy she had to get a pic of everyone.

Tuesday was a big day for me. I was able to get a shower (i was also allowed to get one on Sunday) I was also able to go for my first wheel chair ride. It doesn't sound very fun but being in the same room for 6 days I was going crazy! My nurse told me that the Dr didn't say how long I could be out in the chair but not to be hours. I reassured her that it shouldn't take us long. That I only wanted to get a pretzel and a haircut at the mall then we would be right back. She laughed and said that i was to allowed to go for a wheel chair ride not a day pass. I told her we would take the wheel chair with us! She just covered her ears and was "la la la"ing so she couldn't hear me...sounds like permission to me! Wes wouldn't go for it though. :-(  He did take me all through the halls and to see the gift shop, the outside playground (through the window as it was still to cold to go outside), and he also took me to see Carter’s Corner which honors the memory of Carter James Brown, who was stillborn on July 5, 2005, at Women and Babies Hospital. His older brother, Andrew, lovingly made some crafts for Carter in anticipation of his arrival. Carter’s Corner was established by his loving parents to help the bond between older siblings and new baby. Carter's Corner is an interactive and child-oriented space that offers children waiting at Women & Babies Hospital during the laboring/delivery process the opportunity to create crafts for moms and new siblings. It is a beautiful space that I hope my children get the chance to enjoy while we are here.
We came back from out "walk" and played cards till dinner time. We had stuffed chicken breast, mashed potatoes, soup, salad, peaches, and dessert. The food here is pretty good and the portions are HUGE!! Wes and I have both been able to eat and get full most meals with just the food that I can order!! Bre3akfast on the other hand sucks!!!  Anyway we were playing cards again after dinner when I started to crave a tomato, ham, and fried onion pizza!! I will copy and paste my post from facebook so I don't have to type the story out again.
So I was craving pizza like crazy and that is one of the few things that the dinning service at the hospital doesn't have. Wes called Slugger's Pizzeria which is just over 2&1/2 miles from the hospital and they tell him that it is too far for them to deliver so he was going to pick it up but was also told they can't put fried onions on a
So he then calls House of Pizza Lancaster which... is almost 3 miles from the hospital and this time me is told that they can deliver but it will be a min order of $25 instead of the $10 that their menu says and also because of the weather they are not delivering that far tonight....the weather????? you mean because it is to cold and the roads are a little damp from the snow flurries we had HOURS ago?!?!?! So Wesley knowing that I was having a really emotional day already decided he was going to go to Casa D'oria Pizza & Pasta in Wrightsville, the pizza place we order from at home, the one that is about 9 miles away. He gets there and is talking with the owner and the delivery driver about the problems that we were having finding a pizza. Wes was telling them that we live not far and we order from them from time to time and that I am stuck in the hospital for preterm labor and will be here for at least a month. SO the owner and delivery driver both decided that they can deliver out here to us. I was so impressed that a little locally owned pizza shop will go out of their way to make a customer happy!! Casa D'Oria has made very loyal customers out of us!! Oh and their food is AMAZING!!! :-)
So our night ended with us both eating more pizza than we should have!

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Hospital Bed Rest Day 2

January 31, 2013
25 weeks 4 days
Hospital bed rest day 2

It is very hard to try to sleep while the nurses have to check my vitals, lungs, and reflexes every hr or 2 while on Mag. I finally gave up on trying to sleep about 6:30am. I have been put on a clear liquid diet due to the mag and I am now starving. So I talk to the nurse ask her if it were possible for me to get some real food since I have not been nauseous at all. She comes back in a few minutes later and lets me know that my Dr put me back on a normal diet. I couldn't have been happier!! I get the menu, which looks more like a restaurant menu than a hospital menu, and pick out what I want for breakfast, I call the dining service and place my order. They tell me it will be up with in 45 minutes...and about 5 minutes into the wait i start to get nauseous, then start getting dizzy, then my vision gets really blurry and i am trying to sit up as quick as I can to grab my "airline" bag before I vomit. Crap now I cant eat my breakfast. :-(  At this point I am on 200mg of mag an hour which is the normal dose. I am feeling pretty crappy but it keeps getting worse and worse so finally I say something about it to my nurse. The Dr ordered stat blood draw to check my levels of magnesium to see if I am getting to much. My level comes back at a 5 which means nothing to me but they say it is fine but decide to change my dose to 100 mg per hour. With in an hour I am feeling so much better.
After the kids get out of school Wes picked them up and brought them up to see me. That made my day!! Kyra and Skylar laid in bed with me while all of us watched a movie together. It was wonderful having my children with me. My Mom flew in from Michigan to help out while I am in the hospital so my sister went to pick her up at the airport then they stopped by to visit too! What a great evening at least until i decided to try to eat dinner. Again I got really nauseous and started to feel really bad again. The time came where my family had to leave since the kids still had homework to do and they had to get dinner still and it was already almost 8pm. It was so hard to say good bye to them. The emotional roller coaster of normal pregnancy has been exaggerated by the mag and being stuck away from home. I am not usually one to cry alot but the past few days it seems that i cry about any and everything. Poor Wes I don't know how he is handling it so well!!
I found out that my dr ordered me some sleeping meds in case i was having trouble so I decide to give them a try. I am super affected my meds so within 20 minutes I am having even more trouble seeing and am super tired but trying to stay awake to spend time with Wes. Now I don't remember any of the rest of this but this is what Wes told me went on.
I was laying in my bed which is across the room from the chair that he sleeps in. So I am laying there dozing in a out and start moving my arm around like I am looking for something and start to get a pouty face so Wes asked me what was wrong and I tell him that I know there are the things that are real and the things that are real that I make up, and that I thought there was a child there that was going to snuggle with me but it must have been one of the real things that I made up and not a real thing. So he points out to me that I do in fact have a child to snuggle with in my belly. He then placed my hand on my belly and I fell asleep again. At some point I woke up again and waved at Wes across the room so he waved back. Then I waved with both hands so he did as well. I said I guess you both are just going to do the same thing huh, and he said yes i guess so. Ok so as I type this all out it isn't nearly as funny as when Wes told me about it. And that ends another day...