Friday, February 8, 2013

I've got no strings...

February 7, 2013
Hospital bed rest day 9
26 weeks 4 days

To hold me down
To make me fret, or make me frown
I had strings
But now I'm free
There are no strings on me.

I woke up this morning to my nurse coming in to put that baby on the heart monitor. It always makes me smile to hear his heart beat even when he is being a booger and it takes the nurse coming in multiple times to put him back on the monitor since he is apparently swimming laps in there. After we were done the 30 minutes of hide and seek with Silas my Dr came in and said all the normal stuff we hear every day from the Dr.  I am not contracting unless I have a full bladder. I am still here for the long haul. She asked how I was holding up with being away from the kids and how the kids were doing with out Wes and I at home. After she left my nurse (one of my favorites) came in and told me that I could come off the continuous TOCO monitoring and only have 30 mins of baby and contraction monitoring every shift!! So I am still stuck in the hospital and in my room more often than not but now I can go on a wheel chair ride once a day, I am allowed to sit in the chair some, and now I am off continuous monitoring!!
Wes took me on another ride today. It is so nice to be able to get out of the room for a while.
Most people don't understand how hard hospitalized bed rest is unless they have been through it. It is very hard being away from your family and home for so long. It is also really hard not being in control of any aspect of your life. I am told when I can shower. For the first week I had to call the nurse anytime I needed to use the restroom. I have to ask if I am allowed to go one my one ride a day. It isn't fair to ask my kids to come see me often since we are about 20 mins from them and they have homework, reading, dinner, bathing, and snacks to get done in the 4 1/2 hrs between school and bed, so I have not gotten to see them in 5 days. I don't mean to complain but it is heart breaking to be laying in the hospital for so long and with so long still to go and have people make comments about how nice bed rest must be and how they would love to be able to lay around all day. Ya it sounds nice in theory. I will be the first to admit that I love lazy weekends where we can all sit around and watch movies and do "nothing". I understand alot of women have difficult pregnancies and have to sacrifice alot, and I know that I could be alot worse off right now too. I am very lucky to still be pregnant at 26 almost 27 weeks. I am so lucky to be pregnant with a very happy healthy baby boy. I am lucky to have the freedoms that I do have while being in the hospital. I am lucky that my mom is able to be down here with my kids so I know that they are well taken care of and able to be in their own home. I am luck that Wes is able to be with me most of the time. I am lucky that Wes loves and takes such good care of me, even on my down days! I am lucky to have such a wonderful support system for our whole family. It is just really hard to see the forrest through the trees.

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