Thursday, February 7, 2013

We are blessed

February 6, 2013
Hospital bed rest day 8
26 weeks 3 days

The day started off much like any other day here. I woke up to the nurse coming in to do my vitals then my Dr coming in to tell me the same stuff we have been hearing all week and to also scold me about the blood clot booties. The Dr the other day told me we have 3 options with the blood clot issue.
1- we do nothing and chance a clot
2- I wear the booties all the time
3- She gives me a shot of blood thinners everyday.
Now don't get me wrong I understand the risk of blood clot and know that being on bed rest it is a major problem. However at the same time I am drinking so much water to keep the contractions away that I have to get up every half hr to an hr anyway so I am sure I am moving my legs enough on my own that the booties aren't really gonna do much more for me. Not to mention I am not fond of the idea of daily blood thinners since they are worried about having to do a c-section.
So the Dr and I are talking about the options and she takes the do nothing and risk it option off the table so I am left with those awful booties and shots. So i assure her I will wear the booties some during the day... when I remember.
Wes had to leave which always makes me nervous that I will go into full blown labor while he is gone and he won't make it back before I have Silas. I understand he needed to go grocery shopping but there was  plenty of food at the house and they have lived all week without butter already what is another month or more...come on people sacrifices have to be made!! :-) The good news is he was able to do the shopping, a few things at home and even put gas in the car and he still made it back here in time for lunch. And I only had a few contractions while he was gone!!! Wes also brought the mail from the past few days back with him for me. I got a letter from my insurance company saying that they are approving my Dr's request for them to admit me to the hospital and stated that they feel it is medically necessary for me to be here until they decide that it is no longer approved at which time I will receive another letter from them stating that. UMM the insurance company gets to decide when I go home?!?!?! We also got a very sweet card and a large gift for Silas from my parents friends in Michigan Carolyn and Fred. We have only met a few times. They are REALLY sweet people and i am so happy my parents have them in their life. Carolyn is making sure my dad is taken care of since my mom is down here helping us. She also offered to travel down with my mom when she came. I can't believe how blessed Wes and I are to have so many wonderful people in our lives.
After lunch Wes took me for my daily wheel chair ride. We cant go far as this hospital is kinda small but it is still wonderful to get out of the room for a while!! There are a few out door spaces here that I cant wait to visit once it warms up but for now Wes parks me by a window or door so I can have a different view for a while. We had alot of fun sitting in the one hallway looking out at the courtyard and watching all the people around us.
Stacey came to visit us as well. She brought us another balloon...

She decorated our room for valentines day and brought us a basket of goodies.

Everything is super useful and will help us pass the time while in the hospital...except I am not sure what to do with the pregnancy test. I am pretty sure I already know how it will turn out if I take it. So I have a pregnancy test if anyone needs it! :-)
After Stacey left Wes and I were playing cards and I was trying to text a couple people and my phone was being super slow and wont load apps and just plain sucks. It has been this way since I did an android OS update back in October. I finally googled the problem to see if there is an easy fix. Everything we were finding said that a factory reset would fix it. Wow that is alot of work. I have over a hundred apps on the phone as well as a years worth of pictures that I have to back up now. So after a few hours of messing with it we were able to get the pics downloaded to the computer and the phone reset and a few of the apps downloaded again. However my phone still has the newer android OS on it and is still being retarded. :-(  I really don't want to have to buy a new phone but it is gonna happen one way or another. Weather I get one because this one is messing up or because I am super frustrated with this one and throw it and it shatters into a million pieces...ya that option sounds more gratifying!!
Silas' heart sounds great when we have him on the monitor, and my belly is getting HUGE so he must be getting big and strong! Cant wait to meet him but hope he stays put for at least another 4-6 weeks!
I am only hooked to one cord (unless i actually have those booties on) compared to the 7 I was hooked to when I first got admitted!
Another day down!!!


  1. I just realized that you cant comment unless you have certain accounts. If anyone wants to get in contact with us but cant comment our email address is

  2. So glad you're having a good day. Wes is doing a great job! Hopefully Silas takes his time

  3. Yes he is going a great job!! He is an amazing man!!
