Sunday, February 10, 2013

Wonderful day with the family

February 9, 2013
Hospital bed rest day 11
26 weeks 6 days

When I started this blog I intended to use it to update things medically mainly and just touch on what we are going through emotionaly and our day to day. Seeing as things are going great medically and nothing has changed other than my blood preasure and my temp, and I dont see the need to update either of them on here it has turned into more of the emotional and day to day side of this journey so far. Don't get me wrong I am not complaining that everything medically is going good.

We were able to sleep better being in our new room!! We even slept in a little. Woke up to a light dusting of snow, it was the first time we saw the view from our new room in the daylight and it was beautiful!!! We are still able to see the pond through the trees. I am able to enjoy the view from bed now which I really enjoy.
I had not gotten to see the kids in 5 days. With school and them being sick they didnt make it up to visit all week. :-( So I was really happy to hear that would be coming up today to see us!! Wes
had to run home to give Alek a hair cut (He was looking REALLY shaggy), he also wanted to get cleaned up and wash our clothing, and pay rent so mom and the kids still had somewhere to live! So I had alittle time to myself yesterday. It always worries me when Wes is gone since my water could break at any point and he would miss the birth of our son, but I did pretty good not getting to worked up while he was gone this time. I was also looking forward to him coming back even more since he was picking up another tomatoe, ham, and fried onion pizza for me! :-)
Mom and the kids came up to visit for a few hours. It was so nice to see all of them. I can't believe how big all the kids are getting. A pair of pants I had bought Kyra not long before chirstmas are about an inch to short now. My babies are growing up. Mom and the kids left around 4 so she could drop Kloe at a friends house and take the other 3 to my sisters house for a sleepover. I am sure mom needs a night off. I can't imaging going from a nice relaxed retired life one day to having 4 kids the next.


1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad to see you smiling and enjoying the kids. A relaxed and happy Sara is a wonderful thing!
